I know Christmas is over...
but my birthday is coming up, and hey its a fresh new year!
Here are some items and ideas that I have my eye on:
Family Photo Wall. Pic found
here. I plan to do lots of old and new family photos in B&W. I am obsessed with ancestry.com right now, and have been crazy successful in connecting with distant family :)
Sorry, no pic. My grandma bought us the juice sized glasses, and we LOVE them :) I would love to have the iced tea or beverage size to complete our set. They make me think of my grandma every-time I use them.
PJs. Love the pretty plaid :)

This PB
rug, ah swoon! I saw it a few years ago and saved the pic of it...hoping one day they would bring it back- and they did!!!! I want, I want....I need (In the largest size please!)
I just recently went to Sephora...and along with frequenting a message board about makeup,
I think I may have started a new addiction. Finally learning about makeup :) I would LOVE these brushes!
I have always used sharpies (the artist in me lurves it!), but the bleeding not so much! I reallly want one to see how well they work for everyday.