
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's hot!

Well, April and May gave us TONS of rain.  But, this Memorial day weekend gave us lots of sun and warm (hot) weather.  The garden has finally been able to flourish and hopefully will start growing from the much anticipated sun.

So far, one plant hasn't worked out so well.  I had purchased some strawberry "roots" from walmart a while back and we had planted them in April.  Unfortunately they never came up.  My grandma bought us a few strawberry plants that had greenery and were grown, so we had planted those as well.  They are flourishing and even have a few berries and buds on them!  We are all very excited to have a strawberry patch and over the years add on to it to make it larger year after year.

We still have a few things to plant, which we plan to do so tomorrow- corn, beans and zucchini (all from seed).  Since we finally had great weather, starting some things from seed (beans, zucchini) worked out very well!  It's much cheaper and was pretty easy.  I re used some plastic cell packs leftover from my parents house (Mother's day flowers) to start the seeds.

I hope to show pics this week, I have been so busy!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Antique Mall shopping.

One of our favorite things to do is to go to a favorite local antique mall and walk around.  It's free to look, until you find something you fall in love with or you just can't pass up.  Of course, we go in search of an antique sideboard every-time, but haven't had any luck with finding one just yet.  

So, below is my recent antique mall find at a price we just couldn't pass up.  For $17:

I keep it by the entry to use to put my purse on, and to sit and take our shoes off.  
I love the color of the wood!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rain, rain, go away!

It's been a month since my last post.  Bad news, hardly any progress on the garden because of all the rain here.  I heard on my local news this week that in the last 31 days we have had the most rain on record.  Dont get me wrong, I love rainy days, but this is getting ridiculous!

We have all of our veggie plants ready to go into the ground if we could ever get 
a few warm sunny days in a row to dry up the ground!

Items that were able to get planted so far:

Beans, Strawberries, and varieties of onions.

Oh, and in other news, my cupcake charm finally arrived :)